In the heart of the illustrious Beverly Hills, where opulence meets sophistication, stands the majestic icon of luxury hospitality – the Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills. Opening in 2017 at 12 stories high, the Waldorf Astoria is one of the tallest buildings in Beverly Hills. Its height offers stunning cityscape views and a rooftop with panoramic views of Beverly Hills and Hollywood.
Tag: Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills
Luxury Spas in Beverly Hills Increase Male Spa Treatments
It has been a rather slow evolution, but spas are becoming more and more accommodating to men. It is true, we guys enjoy going to the spa too, and we appreciate all of the luxury spas that are now making it more enjoyable to treat ourselves to a little spa-time. […]
Hotel Openings Happening in the Los Angeles Area
LuxeGetaways Magazine – Spring 2017 | It’s an exciting time to visit the Los Angeles area to take advantage of these very exciting hotel openings. The James West Hollywood Opening this spring, The James West Hollywood-Sunset is ideally situated on the corner of Sunset and La Cienega – featuring stunning panoramic […]